Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Where has time gone?.........3 Months Home

So this week will mark the 3 month anniversary of Grayson being home!  I cannot believe it.  I have tried to wrap my mind around it many times this past week.  It's just gone by so fast.  It's been amazing to settle into our "new lives" with him.  Every day has it's hard moments of trying to juggle work, housework, grocery shopping, mommy duties, daddy duties, etc. -- But its a joy.  I am not going to lie, there are some days where we play all day, take walks, and snuggle in our jammies while the house looks like a tornado hit it.  And I am learning to be ok with it :)  Sometimes I feel like video-taping everything he does, calling someone or shouting from my roof (since there are no Taiwan mountains here) that he is the most amazing, awesome, wonderful baby on the planet!!! Even though our lives are "leveling out and getting back to normal", there are still moments in the day where I find myself getting teary-eyed that he is actually ours!  We received his "US Citizenship" paper last week and I cried. Jeez! This mom stuff is crazy emotional!
We continue to embrace every day we have with Grayson and look forward to each and every day with him!
Below are some pics of the past 3 months at home!