Saturday, February 9, 2013

February 2 -- "The homecoming"

I know what your thinking......."Wait! This post is out of order" :)  Yes it is.  Honestly, I have been so busy loving on our precious baby and my husband that I have yet to do probably the best entry to date.  It has also given me some time to wrap my mind around that day and reflect on everything big and small that happened.  Below is our day in detail -- when we finally got to come home.

We woke up this morning and got ourselves all packed up.  It was a very short night as Grayson didn't sleep a wink.  I was a nervous wreck about flying with him and how he was going to do, checking in our heavy luggage, keeping track of our passports, keeping track of his adoption packet, watching my purse so it wouldn't get stolen, etc. etc.  There is NO WAY I could have done this by myself as my mom was keeping her cool about everything and helping make sure everything was in order for the flight.
As we checked in our luggage, exchanged our Taiwan money, and went through security - I was a wreck internally.  We boarded our first flight, which was delayed 1.5 hours.  Grayson fell alseep as we were boarding and stayed asleep during take-off and 1/2 of the 3 hour flight.  Once he woke up he was of course flirting with the stewardess by talking and smiling at her!  The little flirt.  She kept talking to him every time she would walk by, etc.  She came up to me and asked if she could hold him.  I glanced quickly at mom and said ......................s.u.r.e.  She stood there holding our baby and asked if she could walk around with him since I looked "exhausted".  I wasn't sure whether to be grateful she was asking or was she saying that I already looked that exhausted???  So she walked with Grayson up and down the aisles as mom and I watched her like a hawk!!!  Grayson was waving and smiling and giggling at everyone of course!  He helped her serve people on the plane for about 15 minutes, which everyone loved.  She brought him safely back to me and we completed flight #1.
We landed in Tokyo and got ready for our 11 hour flight to Chicago.  Everything was going smooth and Grayson thought it was hilarious when the plane would take off and land??!!! Not sure whether we should be glad he did so good or be afraid because he loves to be scared?? :) Anyway, we boarded the plane for our 11 hour flight and got the best seats on the plane!  We were in the "bulk-head" so we had lots of leg room and they even had a bassinet for Grayson that latched into the wall!  We knew that he wouldn't sleep in it, but he did like to play in there for a while, which was a good break for us!  He did awesome the whole ride!  He slept about 5 hours while mom held him.  I however didn't sleep a wink.  I was too excited.  Too nervous.  Too anxious.  Too exhausted.  Too emotional.  Too tired.  Too joyous.  Too drained in every emotion possible.  I had held it together until I saw the flight path come up on the screen in front of us and it said we had 5 hours to Chicago.  I lost it.  I cried.  I don't know what about that number made me break down, but it just hit me like a wall that in 5 hours we would see Matt for the first time in 3 months.  I would hug my best friend.  Grayson would be reunited with his Daddy.  We would be back together - the way a family should be.  I stared at the minutes on the screen while Grayson slept.  I just kept looking at him thinking, "Is this real?  Am I dreaming?"  There were some moments when Grayson would get antsy that we would head back to the flight crews cabin where they would prepare the meals, etc.  We hung out back there a lot and made many friends with the stewardess crew.  Grayson loved walking around the plane and talking to everyone.  I will say that everyone in our "part" of the plane was very nice and the ride went very smooth.  We left the plane as the crew wished us good luck and were so happy to know that Matt would be meeting us in just a few short minutes.
We landed in Chicago and had to go through immigration/customs.  That took forever.  The line was soooo long.  We got such a nice lady who welcomed us back and welcomed Grayson to America.  We then headed to another line to turn in his "adoption packet".  It all went very smooth and they stamped Grayson's passport to say he was an "American citizen" now.  It was all very surreal.  He told us congratulations and we headed to meet Matt!  We came through the doors and I saw this hand raise up in the back of the crowd - waiving like a maniac :)  I knew it was him!  Mom made me stop and wait so she could get her video camera out :)  We made our way through the crowd until we saw him.  There are no words to express the relief, joy, and pure happiness of seeing him after 3 months.  We just hugged and cried for a few minutes not saying a word.  Grayson of course was squished in between us and had no idea what was going on.  I handed Grayson over to his forever Daddy.  Grayson just kept touching his face and staring at him.  We had skyped him many times a week so Grayson knew what he looked like.  Matt would always do a special "whistle" when we would skype that would always get Grayson's attention.  After Grayson continued to stare at Matt for a few minutes, Matt broke out the famous whistle and Grayson's face lit up with a huge SMILE!  If there was ever a moment to cry over during this process, it was that one right there.  He knew his Daddy.  He smiles and talked to Matt the rest of the trip.  We didn't have much time at this point til our next flight left and we were not missing that flight :)  We ran to the bathroom and changed into our infamous "brown shirts."  We boarded the plane bound for Indy (which was freezing!).  But we were so ready to be home we didn't care.  The wheels touched down and the weight of the world lifted.  We were home.  We unloaded, woke Grayson up, and changed his clothes into his "brown onesie" that said, "Defining Hope".  On the back it said, "Made in Taiwan".  We headed down the empty hallway where we could hear cheers saying, "Gray-son! Gray-son!".  I wanted so bad to just RUN down that hall!  We came around the corner to see over a hundred people with signs, flower, balloons, etc.  I was stunned.  So was Grayson :) He started crying because I think it scared him with all the people, but about 30 seconds later he started smiling and talking to everyone :)  I just ran around hugging everyone.  I couldn't believe the support and love we felt at that moment.  Just stunned.  I also couldn't believe how much all the kids had grown!  They all looked a foot talker!  The signs were amazing.  The crowd was amazing.  It couldn't have been a more awesome homecoming.  We took a group picture and had a prayer by Pastor Steve Ranson.  I can't even begin to list all of the awesome people that showed up.  The only words I could get out was, "Thank You".  Those words don't seem to hold the depth of meaning that we want to express.  Seems like we should be shouting it from a mountain.  But by the end of our journey, God had moved all of those mountains, so there weren't any to shout from :)  To sum up the amount of miracles in our adoption story - the only thing left to say is that my VISA was good for 90 days in the country.  Our adoption was completed on day #89.  We left Taiwan on day #90.  Thank You Lord.

Our FIRST family photo

Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 7, 2013 -- Profoundly blessed.

Well, Grayson has now been in America for 5 days now!  Where has the time gone :)  I haven't been writing on here everyday due to the crazy schedules we have been keeping and the fact that I need sleep (hehe).  It has been quite tricky to try and completely flip-flop our schedules.  Every day Grayson is getting better and better.  We have loved company and the very generous friends and family that have brought us meals each night.  It seems that every day the blessings continue to flow for our family.  Most days I find myself in tears at the goodness of people and the fact that it's just now hitting me that we really are home.  I keep dreaming at night that it's not real - but when I go to Grayson's crib and he is in there sleeping peacefully, my mind is at ease.  It has been wonderful to have family and friends meet our miracle and for them to get to see his personality.  He is adjusting better each day and is beginning to latch on to Matt (Daddy).  This morning Grayson was playing on the floor and Matt walked by the doorway.  Grayson saw him and started crying because he wanted Matt to come pick him up and play with him!!! That was a huge breakthrough for Grayson as he is learning who he earthly Daddy is.  I continue to get teary eyed every time I think about our future and the things we will get to do with our little guy.  Like for instance - Valentines Day.  It just now hit me that it's next week!! I not only have 1 valentine this year, but TWO!  We are so profoundly blessed and I cannot wait to wake up each day.  Below are some pics of our past few days. :)
Grayson getting his first basketball! 
Grayson loves his Mommaw :)

Playing with Daddy and Poppaw

He rolled over!  And stayed asleep..........that never happens!

double trouble.

I wasn't sure what to do with Grayson while I was putting on my shoes and coat.  
Empty laundry basket = a happy baby!

Going out for the first time!  Dr. appointment :)

2nd bath time -- much happier and loves his toys!

Playing with Nana!! He loves her so much!

Not sure what face he is making, but just looking at it makes me smile.  I am sure it does you too!

All clean :)

Mommy and Grayson 

Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4, 2013 -- Soaking it in.

Soaking in some family time :) Nothing better!

February 3, 2013 -- Our Forever Family

I am sure you all are wondering just how our precious Grayson is doing on his first day home. :)  Even though he was exhausted, he didn't sleep through the night.  Now I have to say that we were not surprised do to that fact that he is still on Taiwan time which is 13 hours ahead.  It couldn't be more opposite :)  He slept about 1 hour total last night.  Matt and I switched in the middle of the night to take care of him.  Of course he is so adorable we didn't mind being with him.  Matt gave him an official tour of our house about 5am this morning pointing out every room and its contents :)  I thought it was pretty cute myself.  
We had some visitors today too!!  It was so fun to have family getting to know our Grayson.  He slept most of the day, but I don't think anyone minded holding him while he slept.  
It has been strange to be home, back in our home environment.   Eating american food, smelling our "home" smells, hearing so much English, unpacking, and so much more has been so different!  I didn't realize how many things would affect us.   But there is no place like home.  I have had a little time to "reflect" on the the last 24 hours and teared up many times today (especially catching up on fb)!  I cannot believe how many amazing family and friends God has blessed us with.  Not gonna lie - I was a little over-whelmed walking into the airport :)  But it was a "good" overhwhelming"ness".  I couldn't  believe all the signs, hugs, tears, pictures, family, friends, cheering, and smiles we were welcomed with :)  Our hearts are over-joyed today at the love we have been shown.  Thank you.