Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 27, 2013 -- Now is the time!

Today was a really long day :)  The nannies are not here on Sunday's so it's just the volunteers, my mom, and I.  It makes for a long day most Sundays.  But I still enjoyed my time with Grayson!  Last night was the first night he slept in our room.  He only woke up 1 time around 3:00am to take a bottle so that was good.  Of course every time he moved I was right there looking in his bed :)  So needless to say, I didn't get much rest. Now I know that not only is he an "on the go kid" during the daytime, but at nighttime as well!  I am hoping to get a little more sleep tonight :) We shall see.  Tomorrow is bath day so I went ahead and gave Grayson his bath tonight so that's 1 less baby we need to do tomorrow.  Bath days are crazy :)  You just have to see it to believe it!  Grayson is not too crazy about baths yet.  I hope once we get home and he can play in there with some toys, etc. he will enjoy it more.  Baths are usually in a hurry around here and he isn't too sure what to think of the water.  Although he loves looking at it from outside the tub :)  Grayson has also been getting up on his hands and knees a lot throughout the day!  He tries to crawl forward by pushing off his legs, but his arms will shoot behind him and he will face plant!  This scared me the first time he did it because it looked like it hurt so bad, but he didn't cry :)  So he is continuing to get on his knees and face plant.  I keep telling him that he needs to wait until we get home to crawl!

We also had chicken and noodles for supper with mashed potatoes!!! YUMMY! and it was normal!  Mom and I were chowing down so fast and had 2 bowl fulls of it.  At one point I looked up and everyone at our table was staring at us (heheheh).  We usually don't eat much over there and we normally do not take seconds!  I smiled at them and they just smiled back.  Then mom and I started laughing :)  Now they know what we like to eat! And.......we had watermelon for "dessert"!! It was delicious.  

Tomorrow will be a very big day.  We desperately need to get our final decree tomorrow in order to make everything else happen this week.  We cannot move forward anymore without that paper.  Please be in prayer for us and that the judge will sign it quickly and see the need to move it through.  Now is the time that we know satan will do anything he can to hold this adoption up longer.  We know God can move the biggest mountain we are facing this week.  Now is the time to pray. Please feel free to pass along this prayer request to anyone who will truly pray.  We will keep you all posted!

 Grayson playing on the floor :)
 I just love his smile :)
 He loves his pacifier :)
 My baby and I :)
 Playing with Kesley!
 Such a happy baby!
 Misti reading him a a british accent (hehe)
Bath time :)

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