Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16, 2013 -- Keep on - Keepin on.

Today was day #4 of our beautiful sunshine!!  I know it sounds silly to be so excited for the sun and warmth, especially when it doesn't get extremely cold like in Indiana, but it rains sooooo much!  That always makes for a dreary and long day being cooped up in the same room.  Anyway, we did not hear anything today about our first decree.  I waited all day and truly expected it to come today (which was even more frustrating when it didn't come).  I know everyone back home is so anxious to hear anything good that's happened, but it seems there is never good news......and the days become weeks, and then months.  At this point, we will need a full-blown miracle to be gone by the end of the month.  We know God can do it, but will He?  Still of course trying to make sense of this all -- maybe someday in the future we will look back and have answers as to why His timing was this way? Ted will be calling tomorrow sometime to see if they will tell us anything? Not sure we will have any answers, but I am hopeful.  I have had so many people tell us this will all come to a happy ending someday, but that still seems so far away.  Ok, I am done venting for now :) Sorry to sound like a "debbie downer" - but its real.
On a lighter note - Grayson is feeling much better!! He is still on meds, but he is becoming more like his old self every day.  He smiled so much today.  I didn't realize how much his smile cheered me up until he didn't smile for a few days!  He has started this new thing where he will try to sing!! When we go over for devotions every night and are singing songs, he will sing along!! It's hilarious!  I will have to video tape it some night to prove it :)  And he is LOUD!  Everyone usually does a double-take when they realize its him making all that noise.  I sure hope he doesn't do that on the plane :)  Cause when he starts singing, there is no shutting him up!......then again, I don't forsee a bunch of people to start singing on the plane (hehe). Unless we are being flash mobbed?...or punked.
He got up early from his nap so we got to take a walk down to the lake and look at the ducks and fish.  He really wasn't interested in either of them.  He was more interested in the people riding their bikes on the path.  But we had a good time and it was nice to get out for a while.
Please continue to pray for our first decree and final decree to come this week (only 2 days left of the week)!  I know we sound like a broken record, but this is still our request..........just waiting for God to answer :)
Love from Taiwan!
 Grayson loves to be upside down and this was the only way he would drink his bottle today.
Gotta do whatcha gotta do!
 Sweet baby
 His big smile is back after being sick for a few days
 Getting ready to go for a walk on a beautiful day!
 Grayson isn't too sure about the sunshine?? Its now been like this for 4 days!!!
 He is confused on why he is traveling backwards :) so he kept looking around the stroller to see where we were going :)
 Watching the ducks down by the lake
 Ok, I think ducks are beautiful.......but not this one :/
I love the background in this picture! Just amazing!

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