Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14, 2013 -- Happy 7 months Grayson!!!

Grayson is 7 months old today!!! I cannot believe our baby is that old.  I already wish I could go back and do those days over again.  I cannot believe how much he has grown and everything he has learned to do!  I hope we get to come home soon so everyone can enjoy this huge blessing!  
Today was a rough day.  He hasn't been feeling good and so we took a trip to the dr.  He put him on some meds so hopefully he will start feeling better soon!  Meanwhile, he has been a very different baby the last few days.  Not as many smiles or laughing, not sleeping or eating......poor guy.  Below are some pics from today.  We still managed to get some smiles out of him, but it took us a while :)
*7 Months*
1. sitting up by himself
2. scooting on his tummy
3. loves tummy time now
4. making silly faces
5.  like to hop, hop, and hop
6. Loves being upside down
7. laughs at himself in the mirror
8.  eating solid food and loves rice crackers
9.  Teething like there is no tomorrow
10.  sticks out his tongue to be funny

Please continue to be in prayer for our 1st decree to come.  We desperately need to get things moving so I do not have to leave the country at the end of the month! Please pray for God to move mountains!!
 Sitting up all by himself (big accomplishment for a skinny baby)!
 Grayson not wanting to smile anymore
 He managed to do a little tummy time today even though he didn't feel well
 Playing with Nana
 Trying to get a good picture..........he would rather be doing this all day.
 He is not to thrilled with the camera today
 And now he is trying to eat the paper :)
And he's done.

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