Saturday, January 5, 2013

January 5, 2013 -- Happy Birthday to the Best Momma!

Wow! Today seemed like such a busy day :) The sun was shining beautifully in the morning so we got to take some of the babies on a walk for a while which always makes the days go faster :)  Today is my Mom's birthday so I took her to the lake for lunch.  Even better, I took her to the Salex cafe on the lake which serves "American style" food!!! Yes, pretty sure I am her favorite at the moment.  She got chicken nuggets and fries.  I got Hawaiin pizza :)  It was delicious!  Of course the weather turned rainy and cold in the afternoon, but it was still a great day.  I truly do not know what I would do without my Mom here.  She is my rock right now and I will FOREVER be grateful she has chosen to be here with me.

Kelsey, Misti, and I also sang Happy Birthday to her and I gave her a rice-krispie treat with a candle in it :)  We didn't light the candle because for 1 we didn't know where any matches were and 2 - we didn't want to burn the house down :)........that would be very bad.  Anyway, I video taped it also to show our family.  

We then went to devotions where all the kids sang to her in Chinese and English :)  Her face was really red! They all said, "Happy Birthday dear Grayson's Grandma" :)  It was funny!  Grayson must have thought it was funny also because he started jumping up and down screaming with excitement!!  I really wish I had taken my camera over there and video taped it!........didn't know they were going to do that.  Ted usually "fake spanks" the boys and will take a stick and "lightly tap" the girls on the hand the number of times they are old (ex:10 years old gets 10 taps).  All the kids thought he should "tap" Mom on the hand, but Ted thought that might be a little awkward so he made Grayson do it!!!  He took Grayson over to Mom and Grayson held the stick.  She only got 18 taps though???.........oh well. :) Hahaha!! I wonder what the kids thought after he stopped at 18? :) :)

Bev made apple crisp for her birthday and we had apple crisp and ice cream!! YUM!  Ted was set on having numbers on the cake so he put 41 -- 6..........He thought everyone would understand that he meant (4+1 --- 6).....meaning 56 :) Hey- it was the best we could do!  We all had a good laugh at it! Below are some pics :)  Bev also hand- made my mom a pot-holder!!!!!! That was very nice of her and very unexpected :)

Below are some pics of our day!
 Nana and Grayson playing on her birthday!
 Mom's rice-krispie treat with the candle.......and Grayson trying to eat it!
 Ted putting the candles in the apple crisp!
 Mom is 416 years old!!! :) :) and she still looks beautiful!!!
 Presenting to mom and singing :)
 Making a retaining wall for the new building
 Going on our walk!
 Its so strange to be walking beside banana trees?....even Grayson thinks so! -- look at his face :)
 Mom had a "heart" shaped chicken nugget!!
 Inside the Salex Cafe (my favorite place)
 Ummm...still trying to figure out what was going on here.  There was a group of people marching and beating on drums.  They were carrying a small "idol".  Possibly taking a walk with their "ancestors" around the lake.  Super strange and awkward as they stared at us "Americans" and we were staring right back at them.  Got this on video too!
Concrete truck is here!!!!!!!

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