Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3, 2013 -- Back to square #1

Today started out really good and went downhill by the end of the night.  Today was our "day off" so we went into town to Pizza Hut and walk around the market.  I have not had Pizza Hut since we got here and wanted to go every Thursday since coming here.  We finally got to go today!  It was like a slice of heaven :)  There is no where to sit and eat in Pizza Hut so we took it to the McDonalds down the street and ate it there -- but we did get drinks form McDonalds :)  We also got Grayson a chop "stamp" with his Chinese name on it!! It is really cool!  It says, "Liu, Rung-En" in Chinese characters.  I got to pick it out and the style of Chinese writing and the case for it.  By the way, the case is called a "coffin" here!  The chop has a dragon on it -- now I am not crazy about dragons, but Grayson was born in the "Year of the Dragon" which is suppose to mean good luck.  I thought it was pretty neat :)  I watched them make it and everything! And the best part was that it was only $9! Below are some pics of it!

Back to square 1:  We were really hoping for some good news today, but it didn't come.  Instead, Ted told us that the social worker faxed the documents and the local judge here did receive them.  But now they cannot use the faxed documents after all and they need the original ones before they can go any further.  So they basically lied to us again.  I don't understand why it was ok yesterday, but not today.  They do not know where our actual documents are right now so this could be a very long(er) journey.  Based on the adoption laws here -- our case must be passed by the end of the month.  Not sure what happens if it's not passed.  I asked that question, but once again, there was not an answer about what would happen if its not completed. Another road block is that the Chinese New Year is coming up in Feb.  All the offices close for 2 weeks, even the mail.  Another bad thing is that my 90 days entry will be up Feb. 2 -- this means I will have to leave the country and fly to Hong Kong and re-enter Tawain.  Yes, I will have been here for 90 days!!!! and yes, it seems like it has been that long.  I can do this all in the same day, but of course, that's more money we didn't anticipate.........So as of today, the cards are stacked way against us.  I keep telling myself that it has to get better, but every week just brings more frustration and heartbreak.
 The chop in the case :)
 Grayson's Chinese Name and the Dragon engraved on the chop!
 Picking up our Pizza!!!
 Their "delivery scooters" for Pizza Hut
 Waiting on the chop to be done :)
 Grayson's Chinese name "Liu, Rung En"
 Grayson working on sitting up!
He thinks its funny to hang upside down!

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