Saturday, December 22, 2012

December 22, 2012 -- Orphan Devotions

I just have to share this:
So every night there is a devotion time after supper which lasts about 45 minutes to an hour.  Ted is making the teens each give a devotion on anything they want to.  Most of them have quoted their favorite bible verse and told what it means to them.  Tonight was different.  Jenna (the orphan I am closest with) gave a devotion on orphans around the world.  She spoke in Chinese a little and then showed a video that had pics of children (orphans) around the world.  I could tell this meant a lot to her, but she was very nervous to get up in front of everyone and speak. :)  I would be too!!!  Anyway, She did a great job.  As I am watching this unfold.......holding our Grayson -- it took everything I had to not bust out crying!  There are sooooo many orphans out there I want to take them all home with me!  I later asked someone what she had said in Chinese.  Her devotion was about how the kids here should be very grateful for what they have because there are many other orphans around the world that are less fortunate.  Can you believe it. An orphan praising Jesus for what they do have.
This all got me thinking about "our kids" in America.  I didn't realize until I came to Taiwan how needy and wanting our kids are.  Now I am not bashing our children in any way as I know they are kids and we must teach them how to act, etc.  But I never realized the magnitude of the "give me what I want" attitude.  Kids think they deserve anything and everything they ask for during Christmas.  I cannot even tell you how many times I have heard teenagers say, "mom - I want a new phone" or something along the lines and the next time I see them - they have a new phone!!!!!!!! What happened to working to buy yourself a phone?  It has been very interesting to be here, yet be able to read everyone's fb posts at home.  Now I love all of my friends and family dearly and cannot imagine life without any of them, but honestly - there have been some moments where I had to get off fb because I was afraid I might be too honest with some people and their posts :)
I truly hope I have not offended anyone in writing this, but just thought I would share my "new perspective" and it really hit home at devotions last night.  These kids do not even have a family - or they do have one, but  that family doesn't want them or pay to raise them.  And they are happy with what they have.  Think on that.

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