Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 6, 2012 -- Getting to know Grayson!

We got to spend a lot of time with Grayson today and learn about his personality :)  Here are some of the things we learned:
1.  LOVES to smile :)
2.  likes to suck on his thumb
3.  likes to suck on his thumb while drinking his bottle...very tricky, but he has it figured out!
4.  holds his pinky in the air while sucking on his thumb -- not sure why, but its cute!
5.  We have no idea what his cry sounds like because we haven't heard him cry at all yet!
6.  He has a cute little birth mark on the side of his tummy.
7.  He usually sleeps with 1 eye open just a bit (We think he is trying to trick us by thinking he is awake the whole time).
8.  His dimples are the cutest things ever!
9.  Power naps..... he doesn't stay asleep for long!
10.  very content with everything!

We will post more pics tomorrow, but here are some for now!
Matt, Lindsay, & Grayson!

ps- please continue to pray for our meetings this week and for the court date.  Getting a little nervous!

1 comment:

  1. Oh he is absolutely ADORABLE! We are praying for you! Enjoy every minute! God is with you every step of the way! So happy to see you all together!

