Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 29, 2012 -- Fun, Fun, Fun!

Today was a really fun day!  We started our morning by skyping with Matt and Steph Neier and her family.  Even though skype messes up 20 million times during our conversation, I still love that I can see and talk to everyone at least for a few minutes each day.  Although finding time to skype is tricky since we are 13 hours time difference!

After lunch we decided to hike up some really steep steps in the mountains to go see one of the biggest Buddhist temples in Taiwan.  This temple sits above the lake that is nearby.  It was a looonnggg hike up there!  But it was worth it for sure.  I took lots of pictures to show everyone when we get back, but there are a couple below.  So in Taiwan, they worship many "gods".  So there are many places within this outdoor temple to pray to whichever "god" you choose that day.  So for example, if you are having trouble in your life with finding love, then you would pray to the "god of love".  There would be a shrine set up there and you would pay for in-scents and do some "ritual things" and leave your in-scents burning in a big cup thing......sorry, I am not very good as explaining things!  The Taiwan people are are very accepting of Christianity because they just view it as "another god" to worship.  They have so many gods that they don't really deny that our God exists -- they just don't think that he is the one and only God.  
Now, I am not going to lie - I was a little nervous to be going up there, but also knew that I worship the ONE AND TRUE GOD.  I really wanted to see it and try to understand the culture here.  I am really glad I went as I learned so much.  Although there was one point as I was standing there watching all these people bow down to these false idols that I started feeling pity for them.  How sad would that be to worship a god that you had to come to a specific place, leave gifts of all kinds on alters for them, buy incents just so your prayers could be heard, and do all these crazy rituals to "hope" that the god hears you and helps you?  Just made me so sad.  It made me appreciate the fact that we can come to our one and true God anytime and anywhere just as we are, to talk with him.  We don't have to do all sorts of crazy rituals or send smoke signals into the air or burn fake "god money".  Just made me really think today.  Our God is good and just.  And he will never forsake us.

After our hike back down the mountain which was very slippery we took care of the babies the rest of the day.  Ted and Bev always have a "date night" every Thursday night so the kids watch a Christian cartoon as their "devotion" time.  Sometimes is vegetales (in Chinese) which is funny! :)  Anyway, while the babies and kids were watching the movie, us girls were playing in the nursery.  Well, Misty, one of the girls here wanted to learn how to do a cartwheel.  So we were teaching her and it was hilarious!  She had this little rug she was practicing on between the cribs.  We were all laughing so incredibly hard my stomach was hurting!  She did pretty well by the end.  After the cartwheels they decided to learn some yoga moves (taught by another mom that's adopting from here).  It as funny to watch and there is a pic below for your entertainment :)

Altogether it was a great day and night!  I am soooo excited for tomorrow because we are all going to Taipei  for the day to see some tourist attractions!  It really nice to get out once a week and see the country! Looking forward to sharing those photos tomorrow!

Grayson had a great day today!  He was smiling and laughing all day.  His teeth only seemed to bother him a little this morning.  He is continuing to work on sitting up and has tummy time each day so he can eventually learn to crawl (but not until we are home!!) :)  I think he might have tried to give me a kiss on my cheek tonight, but not sure if he would know what that means yet??? I was really taken back, but I was skyping my mom for a few minutes and he crabs my face and gives my a slobbery, open mouth kiss on the cheek!  My mom even said, "did he just give you a kiss?"  Yes? No?  Either way -- It doesn't matter cause he cannot get any cuter :)

Love from Taiwan~
Lindsay & Grayson

1 comment:

  1. Ummm...were you supposed to be taking pictures inside the budist temple? LOL! And the yoga picture while you were taking care of the babies??....ya, I don't see any babies! hehe!! The country is beautiful as I remember! Grayson is so lucky that his parents love him so much as to have these keepsakes! Can't wait for that last picture of you boarding the plane for your home together!! Love ya tons! Mom
