Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012 - I'm Growing!

Today was such a busy day!!  It was bath day (since its Monday).  So we fed each baby, bathed each baby,  measured each baby, weighed each baby, and checked temperatures of each baby......after that is was time to feed them again  since it was lunch time. - WHEW!

So I woke up today and saw the "elf on the shelf" :)  Below is a pic of it........quite funny!

We also weighed and measured the babies today.  It took forever.....and we were going quite fast :)
Grayson weighs 14.5 pounds and is 25.5 inches long.  He is currently 5 months old, but is wearing 3 month clothes.  He is super skinny but very long!  They said he was extremely small when he came so he is doing great now! I set him on the scale to be weighed and he did NOT like it...see below.

He also was fed prunes tonight to "help" him go :)  He ate them, but did NOT like them at all -- you can tell by his face.  It was soooo funny.  Kelsey fed him because I was currently feeding another baby.  Plus, I didn't want to be the bad guy (hehe).  He pretty much destroyed the bib he was wearing, but I am sure it will be destroyed by the time we get home!

It was a very busy day and we are exhausted - so it's off to bed for us.
Love from Taiwan~
Lindsay & Grayson

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