Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 21, 2012 -- Bits and Pieces

Today was a wonderful day because an adoption was completed under the new laws!!!  There has been so much change and confusion here that adoptions were seeming near impossible to complete.  God has been moving mountains here to get these babies home!  Everyone is so excited that things are happening finally and its really cool to be here and witness all the amazing things that happen every day!  Makes me appreciate our journey even more.

Grayson felt a little better today and was better at going to sleep tonight.  I gave him some ibuprofen so his teeth wouldn't hurt him and he could sleep.  It seemed to work pretty well.  He also started blowing bubbles with his mouth today, which was funny because he would make the funniest faces and was concentrating so hard!  It was happening during devotions time so I couldn't really whip out a camera and video it :)  He also woke up with a mosquito bite on this eyelid poor guy.  They are horrible here!

Since there are quite a few missionaries here in Taiwan (more than I ever thought), they get together every year at Thanksgiving and celebrate the holiday.  Our gathering is tomorrow at lunch since the Chinese kids will be in school and the Chinese do not celebrate Thanksgiving....(right mom) :)  So quite a few of them came in tonight and ate supper with us and were with us at devotions.  The room was very full as there were about 30 people that arrived tonight.  There are about 60 more coming tomorrow and most of the families will stay through the weekend.

The older kids in the orphanage are starting to talk to me more :) Some of their English is pretty good while others have a hard time carrying on a conversation. :)  I am getting better at the chopsticks everyday, although you'd think I would have it down by now, but they are really hard to use!

I am staying in  Bev's "sewing room" which is located between the girls and boys side of the orphanage - where the older kids are.  It's soooo funny in the evenings because I can hear everything they are saying on both sides (including the boys singing loudly and messing around)........and then on the other side you have the girls whispering and giggling. :)  Quite funny, except for 6:00 in the morning when they wake up for school.

Below are some pics from today.

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