Friday, November 16, 2012

November 16, 2012 - Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

When we began this adoption journey over a year ago we had no idea the roller coaster we would be riding.  We knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was calling us to adopt internationally.  One of our biggest concerns was the finances and cost of adoption.  We have had many amazing and giving family and friends that have helped us in so many ways.  It has been awesome to see how the Lord has worked through peoples "connections" or talents to help us.  
Our next expense was going to be getting Matt a flight back to Taiwan when our adoption is final.  We are really hoping to walk off the plane together as a family if everything goes well.  

I received this email today from an organization called the "Jeremiah 29:11 Project".  They are an awesome organization that helps adopting families financially.  
Check out their website at :::::

Below is the email I just recieved!
"Just wanted to let you know that your family has been chosen as the next recipient of an adoption grant from Jer. 29:11 Project!  At this time, we are able to give you $1000 towards the cost of your adoption. "

We are just feeling so blessed by God's amazing grace and the people who choose to make a difference in the world.  One of the biggest lessons I have learned is that God will provide everything you need if you put your trust in Him.  I have always known this, but this process has brought a whole new perspective to us.
We are so grateful.

~~ On a side note: Grayson's Chinese name is : Lyu, Rung-En.........which means, "Glory to God's Grace"!
Can you believe it!! We found this out after our court date.  Thought it was really neat.

~Love from Taiwan
Matt, Lindsay & Grayson

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the grant!!!!
    What a perfect name for him! :)
