Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30, 2012 -- Taipei Day!

Whew~ I have so much to write about today!  There are so many things to share about this day.  We began our journey by riding a very nice charter bus to Taipei.  It was about an hour bus ride.  We took the subway most of the day which to forever because we kept having to get connecting subways.  I would say we road about 8 subways throughout the day plus we had to use the monorail system as well -- and 2 buses.  So we were quite the travelers.  I was very carsick by the time we arrived home tonight (as we all were).  There were 5 of us girls and 2 boys (that grew up int he orphanage).  They were our tour guides and helped us get around the city...thankfully!  We went on a gondola ride, which I thought was going to be a fancy boat on a river that runs through the city (like something you would see in Paris or something).  I was way wrong!  It was basically like a ski lift but we were inside the ride.  We went over 3 mountains and it was beautiful!  It rained the entire day, but we still had fun on the gondola as we could see the city and the amazing views of the mountains! I do have some pics, but they are so blurry because of the rain.  See below 

After the gondola we took a subway to another part of Taipei.  We went to a shopping area that had little vendors on the streets where we could buy souvenirs, etc.  We were actually in the "port" so that was neat to see some ships on the Pacific Ocean.  We took a pic by the water.  The shops were so cute and the crafts and things in them were so neat!  I could have spent all day there!.....hoping we can go back, but I kind of doubt we will make it back there??  I bought a couple of things quickly because we had to keep moving!  below is a pic of the thing things I came home with. Chopsticks for Grayson....later. -- Chinese lantern for me because it is beautiful!  There is Chinese writing on it and we asked the 2 boys what is said after I bought it and it's says that my husband and I will be in love forever :).....guess I picked the right one, huh!  I also bought Grayson a keychain that has the city name on it in Chinese and the other wording on it means "beautiful island".  It has an engraving of the harbor and on the other side it has a Taiwan coin and engraving on that side as well.  It's pretty neat.  One of our boys also bought all of us girls a cute little umbrella. He just did it to be nice :)  I am hoping to return to the market soon and get the rest of Graysons gifts :)

For lunch I had chicken and the chicken was almost as good as Chick-fil-a's........almost.  I also had a pepsi which was amazing.  It amazes me how they can take the simplest thing and put something awkward on it to make it taste completely different or gross!  My chicken came with dry seaweed on it!!!  I did try it and it was disgusting.  So I picked it off.  The rest of the meal was delicious!

I posted a pic of their "7 Eleven" here.  It is nothing like the ones in America!  They are very nice places here where you can buy coffee, food, etc and sit down for a nice meal.  Quite different!

When we finally arrived home I found a big bag in my room.  I began looking through it and found all of Graysons newborn things!!! There was a 1) towel that he came to the orphanage in 2) his first outfit which is incredibly small because he was a preemie and a matching hat 3) Another little shirt maybe from the hospital? 4) and his hospital bracelet!!  It is so tiny it would be about the size of Matt's wedding ring :)  It was on his wrist. There was also 1 little receiving blanket.  There was a gift wrapped very nicely.  On the front it said that the gift was from Graysons birth dad. I was shocked because we have not really heard much about his birth dad.  I opened it and there was inside 3 outfits and 2 pairs of socks for Grayson nicely wrapped and in their place.  I'm not gonna lie- I cried.  I cannot even begin to wrap my mind around the feelings that were in that box for our son.  Their son.  I changed Grayson into one of the outfits and will forever hold on to those.  I took a pic below.  There was also in the bag a book of Psalms from Ted and Bev.  It was special because it was written in English and Chinese.  They also wrote a note to Grayson on the front cover.  

So overall it was a very fun and sometimes emotional day :)  I am just so excited to tell Grayson his "story" someday and show him all these pics, videos, and mementos that both sets of parents got for him!  He is such a special little guy and is already loved by so many people......known and unknown.

Love from Taiwan and Taipei
~ Lindsay & Grayson

ps--- I also got to skype with my Elite girls this morning!!!! They showed me their routines that they are going to rock at this weekend at their competition!  I was so excited to see them working so hard and the routines were amazing :)  I miss them all so much and cannot wait to get home and hug them all!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 29, 2012 -- Fun, Fun, Fun!

Today was a really fun day!  We started our morning by skyping with Matt and Steph Neier and her family.  Even though skype messes up 20 million times during our conversation, I still love that I can see and talk to everyone at least for a few minutes each day.  Although finding time to skype is tricky since we are 13 hours time difference!

After lunch we decided to hike up some really steep steps in the mountains to go see one of the biggest Buddhist temples in Taiwan.  This temple sits above the lake that is nearby.  It was a looonnggg hike up there!  But it was worth it for sure.  I took lots of pictures to show everyone when we get back, but there are a couple below.  So in Taiwan, they worship many "gods".  So there are many places within this outdoor temple to pray to whichever "god" you choose that day.  So for example, if you are having trouble in your life with finding love, then you would pray to the "god of love".  There would be a shrine set up there and you would pay for in-scents and do some "ritual things" and leave your in-scents burning in a big cup thing......sorry, I am not very good as explaining things!  The Taiwan people are are very accepting of Christianity because they just view it as "another god" to worship.  They have so many gods that they don't really deny that our God exists -- they just don't think that he is the one and only God.  
Now, I am not going to lie - I was a little nervous to be going up there, but also knew that I worship the ONE AND TRUE GOD.  I really wanted to see it and try to understand the culture here.  I am really glad I went as I learned so much.  Although there was one point as I was standing there watching all these people bow down to these false idols that I started feeling pity for them.  How sad would that be to worship a god that you had to come to a specific place, leave gifts of all kinds on alters for them, buy incents just so your prayers could be heard, and do all these crazy rituals to "hope" that the god hears you and helps you?  Just made me so sad.  It made me appreciate the fact that we can come to our one and true God anytime and anywhere just as we are, to talk with him.  We don't have to do all sorts of crazy rituals or send smoke signals into the air or burn fake "god money".  Just made me really think today.  Our God is good and just.  And he will never forsake us.

After our hike back down the mountain which was very slippery we took care of the babies the rest of the day.  Ted and Bev always have a "date night" every Thursday night so the kids watch a Christian cartoon as their "devotion" time.  Sometimes is vegetales (in Chinese) which is funny! :)  Anyway, while the babies and kids were watching the movie, us girls were playing in the nursery.  Well, Misty, one of the girls here wanted to learn how to do a cartwheel.  So we were teaching her and it was hilarious!  She had this little rug she was practicing on between the cribs.  We were all laughing so incredibly hard my stomach was hurting!  She did pretty well by the end.  After the cartwheels they decided to learn some yoga moves (taught by another mom that's adopting from here).  It as funny to watch and there is a pic below for your entertainment :)

Altogether it was a great day and night!  I am soooo excited for tomorrow because we are all going to Taipei  for the day to see some tourist attractions!  It really nice to get out once a week and see the country! Looking forward to sharing those photos tomorrow!

Grayson had a great day today!  He was smiling and laughing all day.  His teeth only seemed to bother him a little this morning.  He is continuing to work on sitting up and has tummy time each day so he can eventually learn to crawl (but not until we are home!!) :)  I think he might have tried to give me a kiss on my cheek tonight, but not sure if he would know what that means yet??? I was really taken back, but I was skyping my mom for a few minutes and he crabs my face and gives my a slobbery, open mouth kiss on the cheek!  My mom even said, "did he just give you a kiss?"  Yes? No?  Either way -- It doesn't matter cause he cannot get any cuter :)

Love from Taiwan~
Lindsay & Grayson

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November 28, 2012 -- Sigh

Today was an interesting day for many reasons.  I would say it was actually one of those days where you felt like you are on a roller coaster ride and just want to get off :)  

*I got a card in the mail today from Staci and her family.  I love getting something so simple as a card!  I put them up on the shelf so I can see them everyday.  

*Our "Elf on the Shelf" thought it would be funny to crab his cape and hang from the ceiling fan!

*Grayson and I went outside today for a while since it was nice outside for half the day!  I pushed him in a stroller and he loved it :)  He is just so cute!  He loves being outside and looking around at everything.  I took him down the lane to see the little chicks in their pin.  Apparently that will be dinner come after Christmas time!  Hopefully I will be back home by then because they are so cute I don't want to eat them (hehe).  

* I had asked Ted to check on our case today.  He called the judge and found out that she has not ruled on our case because she is waiting on the birth mothers social worker to get her report in.  He made some more calls and found out that the social worker just met with the birth mom yesterday so she has to write up the paperwork and then send it to the judge. (at least 2 weeks).  Below are the following steps:
1.  Judge received all paperwork and makes a ruling
2.  Sends paperwork to Taipei for 2 other judges to sign off on the adoption
3.  Send us the first decree
4.  Get final decree
5.  Apply for passport
6. Get physical done
7.  AIT meeting

Basically, it doesn't look like we will make it home for Christmas. :(  Now I know God can do anything he choose to, but it would take a miracle at this point.  I am not trying to be a "debbie downer" -- just being realistic.  I held it together pretty well tonight when I heard how long it took the social worker to get the paperwork done.  Then I cried later and was over it.  I wish everyone would just do their job sometimes and I am kind of frustrated, but that's part of adoption I guess.  You just never know what will happen next.  I am very glad that I can be here with Grayson, but at the same time I am missing home very much.   I am trying to stay positive and God has already showed me tonight I need to be thankful that I have a child who is healthy and our circumstances could be very different.  

Please continue to pray that our paperwork will go fast and that God will continue to give me a peace about everything.

Love and missing you all~
Lindsay & Grayson

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 27, 2012 -- Ice Cream!

Well, it rained again today, but we still had a great day.  We got to skype with Matt today which is always fun!  We really miss him :)  While we were skyping Staci dropped by our house so we got to talk with her and see Trevin as well!  I really do not know what we would do without Skype!

I also got 2 cards today from home.  My Mom and Dad sent a card and Staci also sent a card.which was such an encouragement to me! :)  I love getting pieces of home!

After lunch Amanda, Kelsey, and I took a walk to the lake so I could try something called an " ice cream taco".  It had 3 scoops of ice cream on it. (strawberry, strawberry, and pineapple).  It is wrapped in a breaded tortilla looking shell.  Then they sprinkle crushed up peanuts on it (A LOT OF THEM).  Then the ice cream gets wrapped up inside.  It was really yummy!  I wasn't too crazy about the pound of peanuts loaded on it, but the ice cream was amazing!

The girls here also decided to continue the "Elf on the Shelf".  Below is a picture :)

Love to all,
Lindsay & Grayson

Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26, 2012 - I'm Growing!

Today was such a busy day!!  It was bath day (since its Monday).  So we fed each baby, bathed each baby,  measured each baby, weighed each baby, and checked temperatures of each baby......after that is was time to feed them again  since it was lunch time. - WHEW!

So I woke up today and saw the "elf on the shelf" :)  Below is a pic of it........quite funny!

We also weighed and measured the babies today.  It took forever.....and we were going quite fast :)
Grayson weighs 14.5 pounds and is 25.5 inches long.  He is currently 5 months old, but is wearing 3 month clothes.  He is super skinny but very long!  They said he was extremely small when he came so he is doing great now! I set him on the scale to be weighed and he did NOT like it...see below.

He also was fed prunes tonight to "help" him go :)  He ate them, but did NOT like them at all -- you can tell by his face.  It was soooo funny.  Kelsey fed him because I was currently feeding another baby.  Plus, I didn't want to be the bad guy (hehe).  He pretty much destroyed the bib he was wearing, but I am sure it will be destroyed by the time we get home!

It was a very busy day and we are exhausted - so it's off to bed for us.
Love from Taiwan~
Lindsay & Grayson

Sunday, November 25, 2012

November 25, 2012 - Happy Birthday Nana Kellie

Happy Birthday to Nana Kellie!!  We miss you so much!  We got a zebra cake and put a candle in it just for you-- there is a picture below of us celebrating!

So the one piece of food Taiwan is amazing at making is WAFFLES!  Some visitors brought the kids waffles and tea today!  I was sooooo excited we got to eat the waffles as they are one of my favorite foods and they are so good here!  Not sure what they put on them, but its delicious :) ........and they are gigantic.

Today was a beautiful day outside. It was sunny and perfect weather so the kids were outside all day long since it has rained for almost a week now.  There was a game of basketball going on with the boys and the girls were gossiping and laughing :)  I got to spend some time talking or at least trying to communicate with some of the girls here.  They were telling me that a huge monkey comes to the orphanage and steals the fruit sometimes and to not walk down the lane by myself because it is usually in the trees here. The kids are not suppose to go outside of the "fence" since the monkey is a little crazy and large!  I was a little concerned after hearing this because I walk down the lane daily with Grayson just to get out and get some fresh air, so it looks like I will not be doing that anymore! :) bummer.

A lot of the older kids here play instruments and are incredibly talented at them!  One girl plays the piano like I have never heard before!  She was practicing in the room next to the nursery so we took the babies in there to watch her a little concert.  They loved it!  Every time she stopped playing they would start crying which was hilarious :)  I think she felt a little "trapped" as she ended up playing for quite a while.

Supper was pretty good.  The "cooks" are not here on Sunday's so Ted cooked everyone supper tonight.  He cooked sweet-n-sour pork, noodles, fruit, rice, cabbage, and something else (not quite sure what is was?).  Overall it was very good!

Please continue to pray for us to get our first decree soon.  Technically we shouldn't get it for about 3 more weeks, but we are hoping for a quicker turn around as we would like to be home for Christmas?

Love to all!
~Lindsay & Grayson

Saturday, November 24, 2012

November 24, 2012 -- Bikes and Pig Feet

Today was a pretty typical day :)  We got to skype with Matt, Nana, and Papaw which was fun.  Matt also put up our Christmas tree at home which was fun to watch the video he made us.

I fed, changed, and played with babies most of the day.  After lunch Amanda, Kelsey, and I went on a bike ride to a little coffee shop at the lake.  However, it was very rainy today so we rode in the rain, which wasn't the best idea.  I sort of wrecked my bike along the way -- which was actually pretty funny.  I almost crashed into a palm tree (who would have thought I would be saying that a year ago!) :)  I am fine though, but the cute little basket on the bike, not so much.  We "re-attached" it and went on our way.  In my defense though, I haven't rode a bike in forever!

Grayson is loving his teething toys and seems to have felt pretty good today!

For supper there was pigs feet and clams..........I had chicken noodle soup and crackers.

Love from Taiwan!
~Lindsay & Grayson